Football Strength, Speed, and Power Development Program
4th & Goal
The physical demands of football have reached an all time high with the new awareness of dealing with head injuries and concussion. Training for football has reached beyond just performance enhancement and refocused on reducing the incidence of head/body injury along with maximizing strength, speed, agility, and power. Strength and conditioning for youth football players is all to often non-existent, which is leaving children more exposed to injury. Usually the first exposure young football players have to strength, conditioning, and the weight room is in high school. Programming is left to high school football coaches who in most cases are overwhelmed, unqualified, and don’t have adequate training facilities to safely implement programs for high school athletes. Xceleration Sports Training specializes in developing football players from the youth to collegiate level. Each player is assessed and evaluated at the present level and is designed a program conducive to age, strengths, weaknesses, and medical/injury history. This gives the player a foundation on which to build for future success.